Invisalign Teen Is the Fastest-Growing Part of Our Practice!

While everyone loves the idea of an amazing smile, not everyone is excited about getting braces. As more teens become aware of the advantages of Invisalign, it is also becoming more often the treatment of choice. Invisalign lets them eat anything they want-which hopefully is also what their parents want- without the worry of breaking brackets, and the resulting missing of school to repair. Teenagers aren’t always the best with oral hygiene, so these also have fewer white spots, etc. Keeping teeth shiny and beautiful was never easier than it is now with Invisalign.

Our Invisalign Compliance Agreement

Invisalign is an awesome treatment choice, but requires good patient compliance to achieve our goals. One concern many parents have is that their child may not be compliant with wearing the aligners, while at the same time the child really wants to have Invisalign. We believe that the teen should be given the opportunity to prove themselves. For this reason, we provide a compliance agreement with each patient. This arrangement gives them a chance to prove themself, but we all agree that we will remove and place braces if compliance is lacking. The good news – we will do it at no charge if done within the first 6 months of treatment.

So, why not give them a chance?

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