
Same Day Braces

Same Day Starts Same Day Braces Let’s get started! All Smiles is proud to offer same-day braces, so you miss less work and school, and for those who are excited to start right away towards their beautiful smile. We know how exciting it is for this major milestone in life. This is why we offer […]


Types of Braces

At All Smiles, we offer choices in either traditional silver braces, as well as our esthetic ceramic braces. Both options will provide beautiful results. The only difference is the way they look when you smile. Either way, you’ll be excited to watch your smile develop as it transforms, and you’ll be proud to show it […]


All Smiles Kid’s Club

Early Evaluation Starts At 7 And Up The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children be seen as early as the age of 7, and for very good reason. Recognizing early problems before they can fester into a worsening condition is crucial to achieving optimal treatment outcomes for your child. Because we feel these growth […]


Braces for Teens

Braces for Adolescents and Teens- Because It’s Cool to Have Braces! At All Smiles Orthodontics, we know how exciting it is for a teen to begin that milestone in their life called orthodontics! Getting started at the right time is crucial to not only achieving the most beautiful result possible, but also to prevent being […]


Braces For Adults

Let’s face it, society places great emphasis on the benefits of a beautiful smile. This includes personal as well as for professional reasons. Some adults are concerned with their bite, excessive tooth wear, etc. But the greatest single reason that adults get treatment is for the happiness and self-confidence that an amazing smile can provide! The great news is new technologies with braces […]


Braces FAQ

When Should I Get Braces? The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that all children see an orthodontist for an evaluation by age seven. As the jaw is developing and we lose baby teeth, it is important to ensure enough space for the permanent teeth to erupt correctly. Early evaluation to monitor skeletal growth could […]


How Much Will Braces Cost?

Smile Investment Costs Each patient’s treatment will be a customized treatment plan after a thorough diagnosis of records, and discussion with the patient and/or family to come up with the optimal plan. The cost of treatment will vary depending on the complexity of the treatment needed, the length of time involved, as well as […]


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